Rules and Conditions of the Symposium
1. Time and place
The 5 International Sculpture Symposium Autumn. Insparation. Penza 2012 will be held in Penza from the 20 of August to the 14 of September 2012 at the hotel complex “Chistie Prudi”. Russia, Penza region, Mokshan district, Ramzay village, Ozdorovitelnaya str, 2, tel: +78412390717
 2. Symposium targets
·         Popularization of sculpture art
·         Creation of new sculptures for the collection of sculpture park “Legend” and new paintings for
·         Introduction of the visitors to current sculpture art tendencies
·         Consolidation of international contacts
·         Sharing of art experience between sculptors  and painters from different countries
·         Development of tourism in the region
·         Realization of master classes in sculpture in the frameworks of the Symposium
3. The topic of the Symposium
4. Materials
·         Marble
·         Granite
·         Metal in sheets as well as in sections, steel, stainless steel
·         Bronze, casting in a highly professional workshop according to the model made of plastiline during the Symposium
·         Canvases, acryl paints for painters
5. The Symposium provides the participants with
·         Accomodation and alimentation at the hotel “Chistie Prudi”
·         Materials for the sculptures: stone (white marble from 1.5 to 2 cubic metres), metal (steel or stainless steel), plastiline for making a life-size model , casting in bronze after the end of the Symposium
·         For sculptors, who working with marble, bronze and metal - money reward amounting to 2000€ (its equivalent in rubles) for completed sculptures at the end of the Symposium; For sculptors, who working with granite (only) - money reward amounting to 2500€ (its equivalent in rubles) for completed sculptures at the end of the Symposium; For painters 1000€ (its equivalent in rubles) for 20 completed works 1m x1m by size at the end of the Symposium
·         Transportation expenses coverage: for artists from counties of Europe - 200€, for artists from countries of Asia and Africa - 300€, for artists from countries of North and South America and The Far East - 500€
·         Working site commodities for sculptors: electricity, air compressor, crane, storage for keeping working clothes and instruments, umbrellas to protect from sun or rain, big (230mm) angle grinders
·         For metal sculptors welding and cutting machines, grinders, another tools, working space
·         The equipped studio for painters with painting materials: aclylic, canvases, brushes
·         Bus transportation from Moscow airports to Penza and from Penza to Moscow on the indicated days
·         Exhibition of smalle sculptures in Museum-Gallery ISS during the Symposium
·         Symposium Catalogue
·         Coverage of the most important events of the Symposium on at facebook links
·         Coverage of the Symposium events by russian mass media ( television, radio, newspapers, magazines)
6. The participants are obliged
·         To accomplish the sculpture in accordance with the selected project
·         To provide a small sculpture for the exhibition at The Museum of The International Sculpture Symposiums ‘Autumn. Insparation. Penza’
·         To bring their own electric, air and hand tools as well as personal means of protection and professional disks for marble or granite
·         To have individual insurance for the whole period of the symposium
·         To take part in the traditional painting competition
·         To be present at the working place during the working time of symposium
 7. The procedure of  application and selecting the participants of the Symposium
The participants of the Symposium will be selected on the base of projects of the sculptures, painting sketches and documents.
All the necessary sketches and documents should be send at digital form ( totally not more than 3 mb)  to the symposium organizing committee e-mail: not later than the 1st of March  2012. For the application and selection artists should send:
·         The filled and signed registration form
·         CV
·         Minimum 5 photos of previous works of monumental size in the selected material
·         For sculptors: photos of model  of suggesting sculptures from 4 points of view  (we ask to present  2 projects from each artist); the description of the project (the title of the sculpture, material, size, explanation of the artistic idea)
·         For painters: sketches, drafts, artistic motives for the  painting works which you like to realize during symposium, the description of the artistic concepts
·         The results of the selection will be given out at the web site of the symposium on the 20 of March 2012.
·         During the selection the preference of Symposium Jury  will be given to more figurative sketches and projects
8. Other conditions
·         Participant can use other materials for the sculpture but purchase them themselves
·         Participant can be accompanied by someone, but they are to pay for his/her accommodation and alimentation
·         The symposium does not cover other expenses such as beverages, cell phone charges etc
·         The organizer of the Symposium is in title to the sculptures, the paintings and other works and has the right of their reproduction
·         The sculptures created during the Symposium will installed at  the sculpture park “Legend”
·         The paintings will adorn the interiors of the hotel “Chistie Prudi”and will be part of collection of Museum-Gallery ISS
 9. Organizers of the Symposium
·         The sculpture park “Legend”
·         The hotel complex “Chistie Prudi”
·         The holding company “Rosstroy”
10. Contacts
Yury Tkachenko – sculptor, coordinator of the Symposium, art director of the sculpture park “Legend”,,;
 E-mail:, home telephone: +7 8412407905;
Valentina Dusavitskaya – sculptor, coordinator of the Symposium, art director of the Museum-Gallery ISS,,
E-mail:, cell phone: +79053653873, home telephone: +7 8412407905, address: 440071, 138- 104, Stroiteley ave, Penza, Russia

The hotel complex “Chistie Prudi”:, address:
442395, Ozdorovitelnaya  str, 2, Ramzay village, Mokshanskiy district, Penza region,
Russia. Tel.: +7 8412 78 0000; +7 8412390717
Name of artist:                                             
Date of birth:                      
Address of artist:     
Titles of proposal sculptures/paintings:
Materials of proposal sculptures:
Dimensions of sculptures:  
Me, underwritten, I oblige to realize my sculpture fully complying to my selected project during Symposium. Rules and Regulations of Symposium I have read and approved.
Date:                                                             Signature:
International sculpture symposium.
Autumn. Inspiration. Penza.